

Greetings, mortals! Or rather, we should say, thank you, mortals! It’s because of you we can call this year’s Month of Mayhem a massive success! We’re proud to announce that both Welcome to Riverdale and Fear the Funhouse Presents: Toybox of Terror are low-in-stock at Diamond and poised to sellout soon!  


Main Cover to Welcome to Riverdale by Liana Kangas
Variant Cover to Welcome to Riverdale by Marguerite Sauvage


We especially want to extend a thank you to the creators, shops and fans for making two smash hits in October.

Main Cover to Toybox of Terror by Ryan Caskey

Variant Cover to Toybox of Terror by Sweeney Boo

While these titles may be low-in-stock at the distributor level, there’s a chance your local comic shop may still have some in short supply. The best way you can support these titles, the creators, and the comics industry as a whole is by supporting your local comic shop. And if you want to ensure that you never miss out on an Archie Horror release, pre-orders are important. 

And if you’re unable to get to a comic shop, you can always order our comics direct from the Archie Horror store, secure the few remaining copies we have for Welcome to Riverdale and Fear the Funhouse: Toybox of Terror now.

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